Dear Readers,
We are pleased to share the new issue of the European Bioplastics Newsletter with you, containing the latest news and insights from the bioplastics industry.
We'd also like to welcome Stora Enso, Lactips, Triskelion, Nitto, and GO!PHA as our latest EUBP members.
If you are interested in becoming a member, have any questions, comments, or interesting news or topics to share, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Enjoy the read! Kind regards from the European Bioplastics team
Soil-biodegradable mulch films in the EU Fertilising Products Regulations
Mulch films represent the second largest share of plastic films used in agriculture. However, retrieval, recycling, and reuse of conventional plastics pose serious problems. Films made from soil-biodegradable plastics are specifically designed to biodegrade effectively in situ and can therefore be incorporated into the…
European Bioeconomy Alliance calls for stronger support of the biobased sectors in the new rules on packaging and packaging waste
As part of its membership to the European Bioeconomy Alliance (EUBA), European Bioplastics (EUBP) has actively participated in the draft of a position paper to collectively react to the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR), as proposed by the European Commission…
Opening of new EUBP office
This is your opportunity to visit the new EUBP office in Brussels, get a room tour, and…
We need a clear distinction in the communication about the use of verifiable renewable feedstock and “bio-attributed” feedstocks using mass balance
Traditional polymer manufacturing processes heavily rely on fossil fuels as feedstock, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and the depletion of finite resources. The utilization of biomass in the plastics sector has evolved to offer sustainable alternatives to conventional fossil-based materials.…
Register now for PRESERVE’s webinars!
The PRESERVE project “High performance sustainable bio-based packaging with tailored end of life and upcycled secondary use” hit its half-way mark. The EU financed project started in January 2021 and is set to finish in December 2024. PRESERVE has the ambition of substituting 60% of packaging solutions with biobased alternatives. To do so,…
EUBP Rebranded Logo Unveiled
We are pleased to present to you our new fresh logo, which has now been updated across our communication channels. We have reflected the change in our visuals, which now feature the new logo. We invite you to check out our…
EBC 23 – Call for Papers
Become a speaker at the EBC 23, taking place on 12/13 December 2023, at the Titanic Hotel Berlin, Germany!
The deadline for the proposal submission is 30 June 2023.
Ecodesign for packaging products is not only technologically feasible, but also economically viable
Biobased packaging products can be biodegradable, compostable, and recyclable. 12 EU-funded projects demonstrate how at a recent conference organized by European Bioplastics....
Member Portrait: Avon Products Inc.
Every month, we present 5 facts about a member of European Bioplastics. This time, Natalie Deacon, Head of Sustainability at Avon Products Inc., shares some interesting facts…
Sustainability Framework survey
The BIOPLASTICS-EU project would like to invite you to take part in a survey to explore what impact the current plastic industry may have on sustainability, and what opportunities can be explored in the future…
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European Bioplastics Marienstr. 19-20 10117 Berlin