Labels for bioplastics

Due to their similar appearance bioplastics products cannot be easily differed from conventional plastic products. The use of independent and internationally respected labels marking bioplastics products is important for consumers to receive transparent and correct information and to safeguard the positive image of bioplastics.

The objectives and advantages of product labelling include:

  • Allowing identification of the product by users/consumers
  • Substantiation of claims
  • Enabling and facilitating the proper sorting in waste collection and recovery
  • Assuring product quality.

A certificate issued by a certifier can qualify a product to bear a quality label. This is a matter of specific regulation between a certifier and the owner of a trademark. After successful certification, the specific product is eligible to be labelled with the respective label.

Compostability label

The Seedling is a reliable label for industrial compostability. The logo and the certificate number printed on the product assists in the decision on purchasing and disposing a product (packaging). The certification process is offered by Belgian certifier TÜV Austria Belgium and German certifier DIN CERTCO.

Biodegradable and compostable product