Bioplastic associations and councils
ABA: Australasian Bioplastica Association
AFCB: Association Française des Compostables Biosourcés
Assobioplastiche: Assobioplastic, the Italian Bioplastic and Biodegradable and Compostable material Association (IT)
ASOBIOCOM: Spanish bioplastics association (ES)
BBIA: Biobased and Biodegradable Industries Association [UK]
BBP: Belgian Biopackaging [NL] [FR]
BEPS: BioEnvironmental Polymer Society (USA)
Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) [USA]
DPC: Degradable Plastics Committee of CPPIA(CN); ICTABP4 (EN)
Holland Bioplastics: Dutch Bioplastics Association (NL)
Homo Ecos: Latvian NGO active in the field of Bioplastics