EUBP STATEMENT on the EU policy framework on biobased, biodegradable and compostable plastics

Comments on biobased plastics

Key advantages of using biomass:

Climate neutrality – Europe’s ambition for 2050 – will only be achievable by cutting the emissions associated with the production, use and recycling of materials. They account for nearly one fifth of the total EU CO2 emissions. Biobased plastics can and will, if enabled, contribute towards this objective by storing and repurposing CO2, replacing the need for further fossil carbon extraction and the related environmental impacts. Biobased plastics are produced using renewable, plant-based feedstocks. Sustainably sourced renewable materials offer a key opportunity to help achieve Europe’s climate ambitions while supporting a sustainable economic development in EU’s rural areas.

Biobased and recycled content:

The Commission’s Communication on ‘Sustainable Carbon Cycles’ sets out the aspirational objective that at least 20% of the carbon used in chemical and plastic products should be from sustainable, non-fossil resources to help reaching climate neutrality. Focussing on recycling and reuse alone is not enough to replace the EU’s dependency on fossil resources and to reduce GHG emissions. Every product has a lifespan and losses are inherent to any recycling process. Virgin raw materials will therefore always be needed, especially when strict requirements on food safety and health must be met. To achieve a true circular economy, it is essential to substitute fossil-based, virgin materials with sustainably sourced biobased materials. Consequently, the Commission should promote a minimum biobased content to the same extend as recycled content in plastic products, such as the recycled content targets for plastic packaging set out in the proposal for a revised Regulation on Packaging and Packaging Waste (PPWR). Both, biobased and recycled content contribute to reduce the dependency on virgin fossil resources and GHG emissions, and they should be supported equally.