On 26-27 April, European Bioplastics hosted the meeting of the PolyBioSkin project consortium in Berlin. All consortium partners attended the meeting to update one another on the progress within the project’s work packages, coordinate the research agenda for the coming months, and elaborated on their intentions to use the project results in an exploitation workshop. 

The consortium of PolyBioSkin met in Berlin at the end of April 2018 © European Bioplastics

With the first year of the project coming to an end, the specification of the target applications, the selection and characterisation of selected materials, and the determination of suitable bioplastic formulations as well as testing for processability have been completed. The focus for the coming months is now on the production of sample films and fibres and their functional modification, followed by prototyping and testing.

PolyBioSkin aims to utilise the superior biocompatibility of bio-based biodegradable polymers in biomedical, sanitary, and cosmetic skin-contact products. In addition, innovative impregnation, surface modification, and processing techniques will be used to ad