In 2022, the European Commission adopted a policy framework on the sourcing, labelling and use of biobased plastics, and the use of biodegradable and compostable plastics. The policy framework was announced in the European Green Deal, Circular Economy Action Plan, and Plastics Strategy with the aim to contribute to a sustainable plastics economy. In particular, it aims to improve the understanding around bioplastics. The framework clarifies where these innovative materials can provide environmental benefits, under which conditions, and for which applications, while holding them to the same strict standards as any other material.
There is currently no EU law in place applying to bioplastics specifically, although some legislation, such as EU Taxonomy, the Single Use Plastics Directive, the Plastic Carrier Bags Directive, the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive as well as the Waste Framework Directive address some aspects and applications of biobased, biodegradable and compostable plastics. And while the Commission’s Communication for the EU policy framework is non-legislative, i.e., is not legally binding, it reflects the Commission’s views and intentions on these materials and will guide future EU policy making, such as the initiatives on green claims, ecodesign for s