On 16 October 2024, we celebrated the wrap up of the EUBP Talk series on Alternative Feedstock with a live event in Brussels: Alternative feedstock for biobased plastics: bridging the gap between research and market. As the title suggests, we brought together research and innovation experts from academia and industry together with EU policymakers and other key stakeholders.

On the first panel we focused on the latest key results in research and innovation in the field by EU –funded project experts (MoeBIOS, BioSupPack, PERCAL, CAFIPLA and LUCRA) followed by a panel discussion with European Commission representatives from DG ENVI, DG AGRI and DG RTD and Zero Waste Europe exploring the existing barriers and necessary policy incentives to scale up the latest results of research and innovation to industrial production. More information on the speakers and their contributions can be found here

The slides of the first panel are accessible at https://zenodo.org/records/13986581

The proceedings of the event are in preparation.

The EUBP Talk Series, a series of informal online talks focusing on alternative sustainable feedstock sources for bioplastics was launched earlier this year. From April to September 2024, five online EUBP Talks were organised during which outstanding researchers, organisations and companies interested in monitoring the innovation emerging from recent projects and initiatives came together to exchange ideas and solutions in an informal setting.