A new white paper, “Upcycling Food and Drink Packaging: How EU-Funded Research Transforms Waste into Sustainable Solutions,” was released on 30 September 2024 through a collaboration of five EU-funded projects: PRESERVE, BioSupPack MoeBIOS (EUBP is a partner in all three), UPLIFT and upPE-T. The paper, coordinated by European Bioplastics, explores innovative solutions to tackle food and drink packaging waste by upcycling materials into new, improved products. It also provides targeted policy recommendations to advance circular packaging solutions in the European Union.

EUBP, as the coordinator of a joint working group of these projects focusing on policy affairs, played a leading role in the drafting of the white paper, ensuring that it addresses both technical advancements and the broader regulatory landscape. The white paper highlights how upcycling technologies, circular design, and effective end-of-life solutions can transform the future of packaging, in line with the EU’s sustainability goals.

The white paper was first presented during a dedicated webinar held on 1 October, where representatives from the four proj