Polymers are an essential element of many aspects of modern life. However, many rely on non-renewable feedstocks and present a range of environmental issues, both during production and once they reach the end-of-life phase. The CHAMPION project aimed at working on biobased thermoset coatings, structural adhesives, automotive interior surfaces and home care additives. European Bioplastics is an advisor to the project.

The objective of the CHAMPION project was to replace these existing materials with biobased polymers – based on the aza-Michael addition reaction – that are suitable for high-performance applications. The applications included coatings, textiles, home care (HC) formulation, and structural adhesives. Examples of uses included kitchen counter coatings, car interior surfaces, laundry detergent and adhesives for industrial composites. The newly developed materials perform as well as, or better than, existing polymers from non-renewable sources while being circular by design. This make them superior to current materials by ensuring that they are biodegradable and/or suitable for recycling.

The CHAMPION project has focused on two main work areas. The first is the creation of biobased polymers, where CHAMPION partner pioneered new methods of sustainable production. The second was the testing and assessment of these polymers, ensuring their performance meets the highest standards.

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