Castelldefels, Spain, 17 July 2017 – The EU-funded PolyBioSkin project commenced work on the development of biopolymers for high-demand skin-contact applications. At the end of June 2017, the project consortium, comprising of 12 partners, including European Bioplastics (EUBP), met in Castelldefels in Spain for the kick-off meeting hosted by project coordinator IRIS to discuss how new generation bio-based polymers can help advance sustainable alternatives in sanitary, cosmetic, and biomedical applications.
The skin is the largest organ in the human body and it is our first natural barrier against external agents. Cosmetics, personal care, sanitary, and biomedical products are designed for direct contact with and protection of the skin. These products represent a very large market, ranging from low-cost to high-performance products, with a global market value of over USD 47 billion[1].
Today, most of these skin-contact products are still made from fossil-based polymers and are non-recyclable and non-biodegradable. The Union of Concerned Scientists estimates that about 18 billion diapers end up in landfills each year,[2] which poses great environmental concerns. In the light of increased competition, a growing ecological awareness, and changing consumer demands, brands are looking for more sustainable product options with a reduced environmental footprint. PolyBioSkin aims at leveraging the enormous untapped potential of the use of bio-based polymers in skin-contact product applications by advancing the research and development towards the industrial exploitation of renew