Contrary to popular belief, certified, industrial compostable organic waste bags neither bear harm for soil or human health, nor do they contribute to the problem of microplastics, as experts underline. On the contrary, they convey chances for a higher quality and quantity of collected organic waste. Read in the following a guest commentary by the Verbund kompostierbare Produkte e.V. (Association for Compostable Products / “Verbund”). 

For many years now, the German government has called on its citizens to perform thorough separation of their household waste. This includes especially organic waste, since the potential of this high value resource has been known for quite a while. Nontheless, a recent analysis, carried out by the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA), revealed that the examined residual waste still contains almost 40 percent of organic waste. Although the reasons for this high level of misthrow may be diverse – revulsion towards organic waste and its unpleasant smells are certainly some of the most prominent.

In response to these challenges, compostable plastic