Posts including "waste collection":

Advanced recycling

2024-12-05T12:41:03+01:004 December 2024|Tags: , , , , , |

Advanced recycling Advanced recycling, often referred to as chemical recycling, includes depolymerisation, pyrolysis, gasification and others. It is a complementary option for polymers where mechanical recycling is not technically or economically feasible today. It is an option for bioplastics to the same extent as it is for conventional plastics. [...]

Home composting

2024-12-05T12:41:35+01:004 December 2024|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Home composting Home composting is an additional form of organic waste treatment, which is suitable for certified home compostable products. EUBP supports the Commission’s view that home composting should only be considered in the context of specific local conditions. Home composting is not a professional waste management activity, but [...]