Berlin, 6 December 2021 – At the 16th annual European Bioplastics (EUBP) Conference, which took place from 30 November to 1 December in Berlin, industry experts discussed the role of bioplastics within the European Green Deal. The conference discussions confirmed that bioplastics make significant contributions to help achieving the European Union’s ambitious climate goals described in the EU strategy.  

In his opening remarks, François de Bie, Chairman of European Bioplastics (EUBP), began by giving a clear answer to the overarching conference question about the role of bioplastics within the European Green Deal. “There are many fields of interaction between the European Commission’s Green Deal and bioplastics where our industry can make significant contributions towards helping achieve the European Union’s ambitious climate goals”, said de Bie. “Bioplastics are part of the solution needed to fix the issue that we have with plastics today”, he continued, referring to the challenges caused by plastic waste. The varied two-day conference programme, which examined key issues along the bioplastics value chain, strongly reinforced his statement. In ten different sessions, which included an exciting keynote and presentations as well as lively panel discussions, over 40 speakers and moderators focused on the contribution that bio-based and biodegradable and compostable plastics can make to achieve a circular economy.

In a pre-recorded address, Kestutis Sadauskas, Direc