Already in its 7th edition, the annual European Biotech Week celebrates biotechnology, an innovative and vibrant sector launched by the discovery of the DNA molecule back in 1953. With over 140 events taking place all over Europe during 23 and 29 September, this year’s event set a new record. National Association Members, together with local communities, companies, academia, and government institutions hosted events in 18 countries in total to celebrate the numerous benefits of biotech to date and to explore its future potential for delivering solutions for both people and planet. Initiatives varied from scientific conferences to recreational activities and exhibitions. In addition, a number of hands-on laboratories and open-door days had been organised to satisfy the curiosity of younger participants.
As part of Biotech Week, during 25 and 27 September, took place the 10th European Symposium on Biopolymers (ESBP) in Straubing, Germany. The event focused on recent developments in the area of biopolymers production, biopolymer engineering, characterization and processing but also on the numerous applications of biopolymeric materials in a variety of fields, including medicine and medical devices, and many other areas.
In Riga, the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Riga Technical University invited engineers and scientists from all over the world to attend the 4th International Conference “Innovative Materials, Structures and Technologies” (IMST 2019) during 25 and 27 September. The conference aimed to promote and discuss the latest results of industrial and academic research on analysis and design of advanced structures and buildings; innovative, ecological and energy efficient building materials; development of maintenance, inspection and monitoring methods; structural management; sustainable and safe transport infrastructure.
In Catania, the event organizers used an exploratory journey to approach the world of biotechnologies and their application to the chemical-biomedical research. Through a multidisciplinary journey, visitors were introduced to the use of a biotechnological approach from the initial phases of design, expression and/or modification of a biomolecule of interest to health, to its structural and/or functional/biological characterization.
This year’s European Bioplastics Conference, which will take place on 3/4 December in Berlin, perfectly continues the dialogue on various topics discussed during Biotech Week. The annual conference is a leading business forum for the bioplastics sector – in Europe and worldwide. The event will focus on advanced innovations in bioplastics as well as on environmental aspects and opportunities for growth. The comprehensive two-day speaker line-up is directed at senior representatives from the bioplastics industry, political decision makers, NGOs and brand owners.
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