WORKSHOP Compostable Materials in a Circular Economy
This workshop precedes the 17th European Bioplastics Conference and aims to set up a dialogue with the Organics Recycling Industry and policy makers to understand where and how compostable materials can contribute to a circular economy. Presentations from three leading compost experts on their experiences in processing compostable materials will be followed by a panel discussion and a brainstorming session. The workshop will be hosted by BASF, Natureworks, Novamont and Futamura.
Date: 5 December 2022
Time: 3:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Location: Maritim proArte Hotel Berlin
Aim: Dialogue with Organics Recycling Industry on where and how compostable materials contribute to a circular economy
Target Audience: Composters, waste management, policy makers, bioplastics producers, converters, brand owners
- Presentations on experiences in processing compostable materials
- Marco Ricci, Composting and Biogas Association (CIC), Italy
- Hubert Seiringer, Compost & Biogas Association, Austria
- David Wilken, Compost Quality Assurance Organization (BGK), Germany
- Panel discussion
- Brainstorming sessions
- What conditions need to be fulfilled to allow compostables in the organic waste bin?
- How can partners in the value chain work together to increase quality and quantity of compost?
- Wrap up of brainstorming and next steps
Workshop cost: 99€ + VAT*
Register here!
*Workshop ticket not valid for the conference