Bioplastics: Paving the Way to Meet EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation Goals Bioplastics: Paving the Way to Meet EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation Goals Sandrine Ishimwe2024-12-18T11:55:34+01:0018 December 2024|Tags: applications, Austria, BASF, biobased, biodegradable, bioeconomy, bioplastics, circular economy, CJ Biomaterials, compostable, DIN CERTCO, European Bioplastics Conference, European Commission, FKuR Kunststoff, futerro, innovation, market data, members, microplastics, mulch films, NatureWorks, packaging, policy, PRESERVE, PRESERVE Project| Brussels, 18 December 2024 – European Bioplastics (EUBP) we